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IELTS-Writing and Speaking Examples TEST 4

IELTS-Writing and Speaking Examples  TEST 4



Failure is proof that the desire wasn’t strong enough?

To what extent do you agree with this statement? Give reasons for your answers.



The examiner will ask you some questions.

What town or city do you come from?

Can you describe you family home?
What does your family usually do at the weekend?
Do you like going out with your family? Why?
Where would you like to take a holiday? Why?
Who would you most like to go-on holiday with?
What was the best holiday you’ve ever had?


A museum you have visited


Please read the topic below carefully. You will ask to talk about it for 1 to 2 minutes.

You have one minute to think about what you’re going to say.

You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

Describe a museum or art gallery that you have visited.

You should say:

Where it is?

Why you went there?
What you particularly remember about the place?

At the end of your talk, the examiner will ask one or two brief questions to signal that it is time to stop talking.

For example, he or she might ask you:

Do you like museums/art galleries?

Would you recommend this one to other people?


Once your talk in part-2 is over, your examiner will ask you further questions related to the topic in part-2. The examiner may ask you to speak about these points.

The need for museums and art galleries in our society.

Making museums more interesting.
Museum art-Vs-popular art.
Graffiti* -art or vandalism
The role of public artworks, e.g. statues and buildings.

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